//interface Only public, static and final are allowed.
//No. Interfaces can’t have constructors.
interface Test{
static int s=2;
final int d=4;
void get();
int getmultiple();
// initializers not allowed in interfaces
/*interface demoStatic(){
{ System.out.println("empty implemented");}
System.out.println("static implemented");
interface B{
int getdivide(int i);
// int getadd();//implementation is required in Class A
class A implements B{
public int getdivide(int i ){
return i*i;
class p{
interface Q{
int i=111;
interface NextTest extends Test{
int t=5;
void get();
int getadd();
// int getValue();//Demo is not abstract and does not override abstract method getValue() in NextTest
class Demo implements Test, NextTest {
public int getadd(){
return d+t;
public int getmultiple(){
return d*t;
public void get(){
System.out.println("demo get method implemented");
class XDemo extends Demo{
/*class XXDemo implements NextTest{
void methodD(){
//No, because interface fields are static and
//final by default and you can’t change
//their value once they are initialized. In the above code, methodB()
//is changing value of interface field A.i. It shows compile time error.
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Test s=new XDemo();
// System.out.println("sum : "+ s.getadd());//it will check in Test interface error not found
System.out.println("multiple : "+ s.getmultiple());
NextTest st=new XDemo();
System.out.println("add : "+ st.getadd());
// XDemo s=new NextTest();//NextTest is abstract; cannot be instantiated
XDemo sp=new XDemo();
System.out.println("addd : "+ sp.getadd());
System.out.println("multiple : "+ sp.getmultiple());
B newS=new A();
System.out.println("divide : "+ newS.getdivide(12));
// p ps=new Q();
B bs=new B(){
public int getdivide(int i){
return i*i; }
System.out.println("divide : "+ bs.getdivide(12));